速報APP / 遊戲 / Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:R. Marques de Praia Grande, 536 - bloco 161B Vila Prudente - São Paulo / SP CEP: 03129-110

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖1)-速報App

Tie the Rope is a simple, fun and addictive puzzle game.

You have to connect all the dots with the rope.

Collect all stars, play with colored, moving and actionable pins, and have a lot of fun in 150 levels and 6 different worlds!

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖2)-速報App

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖3)-速報App

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖4)-速報App

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖5)-速報App

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖6)-速報App

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖7)-速報App

Connect the Dots (Tie the Rope)(圖8)-速報App